Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce


Research shows that about 70% of customers abandon their carts and leave your store without buying. At least 50% of these abandoned carts can be recovered by sending timely email reminders.

Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce helps you automatically send recovery emails when customers abandon their carts. You can schedule a series of timely email reminders that can be sent to the customers to recover their carts and complete the purchase.

Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce can automatically send these abandoned cart reminders and it stops the moment customer completes the purchase.

How does Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce work?

  • The plugin captures the email address as soon as customer enters it at the checkout step.
  • If the customer did not complete the purchase, plugin automatically sends the first email reminder with a unique recovery link
  • Customer clicks the link to recover his cart
  • Completes the purchase

* This plugin is in Early Access and it requires login to be downloaded.

Plugin is made by Dessky.org Community.

It is Free to Download and Use.