Sync Posts Between Sites


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When you find time we suggest that you read instructions below before proceeding with installation.

Happy Syncing!

How can I become more productive with Sync Posts Between Sites plugin?

Sync Posts Between Sites is a WordPress plugin that will help you in situations when you just want to move a couple of blog posts, for example, from staging to live, without re-migrating the whole site.

Speed up article publishing

This plugin could also help you to greatly speed up article publishing and editing in case that you have to work with multiple blogs. It helps in a way that you can publish an article from one central site to multiple sites. Number of sites that you can publish articles to is unlimited.

Publish posts from one central site to multiple sites


With Sync Posts Between Sites plugin you can effortlessly publish articles from one central site to unlimited number of sites.

Use one central site for publishing articles

With this plugin you can easily use one WordPress installation as your publishing hub and propagate your content to multiple sites.

Light weight plugin that saves your resources

Plugin itself is made to be easy on your system. It will work on most modest hosting and you will not notice it.

Easy installation

1) On both Central and Destination Site

Install and Activate this plugin on both Central and the Destination Site.

2) Only on the Central Site

Then Only on the Central Site go to the plugin’s Settings Page add the Administrator User Login Parameters for the Destination Sites that you want to sync articles to.

3) Only on the Central Site

Click on Save button and you are good to go!

If you get stuck you can always

on our Public Support Forum.

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How to use it?

In order to use this plugin you will have to install and activate it on both source and the destination site.
However only on the source site you will have to add login parameters for the destination site.

Publish on as many sites as you want

In the central site you can add as many destination sites as you want. There is no limit.

Edits are automatically synced


All edits that you make to the already published articles get automatically synced with their destination sites.

Buy once install everywhere

You can install this plugin on as many sites as you want. There is no installation limit.

GDPR compliant

All data remains only on your servers. Plugin is made to be GDPR compliant.

Publish posts to unlimited number of sites

There is no limit to a number of sites that you can publish articles to. You can add as many sites as you want.

Some of the features:

  • Publish posts to multiple sites.
  • Automatically sync edits in the already published posts with multiple destination sites.
  • Custom post type support.
  • Automatically updates taxonomy information.

Does this plugin work with posts made with popular drag-and-drop page builders?

This plugin will NOT work with posts made with the popular drag-and-drop page builders like Elementor, Avada Builder, Beaver Builder, Divi, Visual Composer. You will have to use default Gutenberg or Classic editor for syncing to work.

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Does this plugin work with ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)?

Only textual fields made with ACF are supported. ACF image data is not supported.

Does this plugin work on WordPress Multisite?

No, this plugin does not work on multisite setups.

I have plugin X that I used on my site, will the syncing work?

There is really no way to test our product with every single plugin out there. If you have one of the more exotic sites we suggest that you download our free plugin version and see if it works.

How can I contribute?

If you want us to include your favorite plugin, found any bugs or have any suggestions tell us in our Open Community.

Still not sure if this plugin is right for you?

We have a Free Lite version of the plugin that you may try before purchasing a premium one.

To get it you will have to register a free account on our website.

Lite plugin shares same core base as a premium one, only differences are:

  • You can only add 1 destination site.
  • Lite plugin has a trial period of 1 week before it stops working.

Download Free Lite plugin version

Last Update 1 May 2024
Plugin Version 1.2.1
Works with WordPress Version 6.5.2

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Buy Now!

$49 Add to cart

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