Dessky Uploader

Dessky Uploader is a light-weight application that allows you to take screenshots and quickly upload them online. Press hotkey (PrntScr) and get the URL of your screenshot automatically copied in your clipboard. You can also capture part of screen!
And that’s not all, Dessky Uploader has integrated drag-and-drop functionality from which you may upload all sorts of files on more than 20 online locations.
Some of upload services that are supported are Dropbox, Twitter, Pastebin, ImageShack, RapidShare, TinyURL, FTP…
Capture screenshots is possible in the following modes:
- Crop shot (with magnifier and cross-hair across the screen)
- Crop shot with “snap to grid” mode to take fixed size screenshots
- Selected window
- Active window
- Freehand crop shot
- Window object (menu, etc.)
- Web page with automatic scrolling
- optional watermark overlay
- Delayed capture (user-settable delay, in milliseconds to hours)
- Option to capture mouse pointer (useful in capturing specially shaped pointers)
Other functionalities includes:
- Capture text and files
- Automatically upload the image, text, URL and files to online servers
- Each type of content can be sent to a different server automatically
- Place the captured content on your clipboard for instant pasting or sharing.
- Many online services are pre-configured (Twitter, Pastebin, ImageShack, RapidShare, TinyURL etc.)
- Translate the text in clipboard to any language (all major languages available)
- User-selectable file type for captured screenshots
- Option to select the image quality
- Option to switch saved file type beyond a threshold size.
- Customizable automatic file naming pattern
- Option to integrate with an OCR software (optical character recognition) using Actions
System Requirements:
- Windows XP or 7 with .NET 3.5 framework (*Current Windows version already has Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.)
- Internet connection during installation.